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Our Homeowner’s Insurance Policy provides protection for you and members of your household (i.e. members of your family and domestic employees who normally reside with you). Your home may be the biggest investment you make and you should always be prepared to thoroughly protect it in the event of a loss.  Our policy protects you against loss, damage or legal liability that is incurred during the policy period.

At What Value Should you Insure?
You should always insure for the full replacement value of the property. If you insure your property for less than the full replacement value and you suffer a loss, it may be very expensive for you to replace the portion that was not insured.

Is a valuation required in order to insure?
A valuation is the only means of knowing the full replacement value of your property.

Insurance of Buildings and Other Structures

What is Covered?

  1. The Buildings of the home including landlord’s fixtures and fittings together with patios, driveways and other paved areas, walls, gates and fences, underground water pipes and cables providing services to and from the home, fixed water storage tanks and sewage disposal systems, aerials and antennae (other than External Satellite Television Receiving Equipment),
  2. Swimming Pools (i.e. permanent pool structures together with pump-houses and permanently installed pool equipment and accessories including all related pipes and cables), and
  3. Waterside Structures (i.e. docks, jetties, piers, sea walls and any other structure abutting the sea, a river or any other body of water) against loss or damage caused by the following perils:

Insured Perils:


Insurance of Contents

What is Covered?
Under this Section we will insure your Household goods, personal effects and fixtures and fittings whilst they are in your home against loss or damage by the Insured Perils listed above.


Insurance of Liabilities

What is Covered?

You are insured for liability as property owner if your building is insured with us (limits apply).

If the Contents of your home are insured with us, your liability as Occupier for accidents occurring in or about the home or the land belonging to it will be covered (limits apply).  Additionally, Personal Liability incurred by you or by any other member of your household for accidents within Barbados, and well as Liability to Domestic Employees is covered (limits apply).

We also offer coverage for the following: